About MSK

About Mukto Shiksha Kendra

Congratulations to all Teachers and Students to our Mukto Shiksha Kendra. At present, it is the popular media to acquire education to every educationist for correspondence education or Mukto Shiksha. Consequently, a large number of students have been benefitted. But often it is heard from the energetic candidates of this correspondence education that they are not getting the right education of the specific subjects, scarcity of suitable teachers. Again, it is heard time to time from the students of the rural areas that what they read and how much they read, where they will find their assignment answer, how will they solve the questions of the previous years, etc. To keep these difficulties for the admitted students of the Mukto Shiksha, This is our small effort “MUKTO SHIKSHA KENDRA”.

The main objectives of our Mukto Shiksha Kendra is to come back to the main tides for the backward classes, poor and meritious students for their education and to co-operate to build up their lives by the proper guidance. At present, all students of the busiest society it is our main view to build the consciousness of the life by taking the proper education of the Mukto SHISKHA. Besides, A Man’s education will be incomplete or half-complete whether he or she may not be trained in the modern education as well as employment education. Thinking very much of those sides, We are able to train different skills and skill development course day by day. As example, Computer courses and its applications, Vocational Courses, Paramedical, Professional courses etc. In which A student can build up their career himself/herself as the usefulness of professional courses with the help of their educational qualification as well as Practical education.

Mission & Vision

Vision is to acknowledge that higher education has greater responsibilities to meet the needs of society both in India and abroad. Mukto Shiksha Kendra has taken a decade of pioneering hard work by the academic community to bring NIOS,WBCROS,NSOU education under one roof. The institute has develop a system of education which lays more emphasis on learning than on mere instruction. The move to enroll and educate students  with NIOS,WBCROS,NSOU is an extension of our Inclusive education programme. Those children who are not able to cope with the load of the regular curriculum in spite of the concessions provided by the board for candidates with special needs, are offered the option of completing their school education through the NIOS,WBCROS,NSOU stream.